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Finding something can talk about with someone new can be pretty intimidating. But the nice thing is, it doesn't need to be. In fact, talking to someone new should be cake because literally, there is anything and everything to talk about. For some, starting a conversation and maintaining one is a breeze, for others not so much.
Never fear! Roommates.com has come up with the perfect algorithm for starting conversations... soon you'll be a master at starting conversations with anyone just about anywhere.
Start with the basics... this is your opener.
First, we need to establish a few main goals when we initially meet someone... which is pretty easy to determine.
These two opening questions not only break the ice, but it also opens the door for a 'deeper' conversations because chances are, you can find subtopics to learn more about their backstory or interestes. After all, your goal is to get to know as much as you can about the person you're about to move in with, and asking the right questions will get you there.
Now here's the fun part, and where the conversation heads is entirely up to you, but here are a few that provide insight to see how compatible you are.
Questions like:
These types of questions are not only enlightening, but necessary. You don't want to live with someone who likes to party every night if you have work at 6am, or live with someone who doesn't mind to be a bit messy if you keep everything crystal clear.
From there you'll notice that the conversation will start to flow and will pick up on a few of their mannerisms, personality type, the works.
Just be you and everything will be more than fine, and soon enough you'll be living with one of the
As a side note, don't let any awkwardness deter you from continuing conversation, it's always a little weird when you're first getting to know someone, but with time, that all will fade away.
As the conversation picks up, go with it! Breaking the ice is the hard part, soon enough your interests will align and you'll be having the time of your life and getting to know your potential roommate on a deeper level. The more you discover now, the more confident you'll be knowing that you two are compatible matches to live with.
Want to know your roomie a little better before the conversation even starts? Join Roommates.com FREE today... you can read all about them and see if you're interested to find out a little more about that.
We all have our Perfect Match™... the only way to find them is by sparking up a little conversation.
Good luck... not that you'll need it.