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Roommate finder in Baltimore, MD
Roommate finder in Boston, MA
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Roommate finder in Detroit, MI
Roommate finder in El Paso, TX
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Roommate finder in Las Vegas, NV
Roommate finder in Los Angeles, CA
Roommate finder in Louisville, KY
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Roommate finder in Phoenix, AZ
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Finding a senior roommate match on Roommates.com is easy. Our advanced algorithms match compatible roommates based on preferences, lifestyles, interests, and more. If you are a senior seeking companionship, cost-effective living solutions, and the chance to remain socially active, Roommates.com can help you find compatible, suitable roommates nearby. Whether you are an empty nester or retiree seeking to rent out a room or a golden adult seeking a rental space, our platform will help you find a compatible roommate!

I used Roommates.com to rent a spare room with an ensuite after my husband's death. I wanted someone to help offset costs in addition to the added security of having someone else live with me. I’ve also enjoyed the social aspect of having a senior roommate companion! We’ve become good friends. I’d highly recommend Roommate.com to other seniors to find a senior roommate companion. – Janice T., Phoenix, AZ

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Roommates.com did exactly what it advertises. I got on and paid for the use of it. The person renting a room also paid her part. It took me about a week to find a roommate. I am very satisfied and if needed, will use them again. - Susan
- Susan
I think roommates is an excellent site that I feel accurately displays personality types which are key and matching up roommates. I was able to find an excellent roommate on this site and they are currently moving into the second year of our lease. - Julie
- Julie
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